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2024-09-24 15:07 来源:网络 点击:


German investors in the world's biggest observation wheel face large potential losses after a creditor seized control of the project in Beijing – a rotating viewing platform designed to trump the London Eye.随着位于北京、旨在超越伦敦眼 London Eye的世界最大观景摩天轮的项目控制权被一名债权人夺走,这个项目的许多德国投资者正面临巨额潜在亏损。

Around 10,000 retail clients of Delbrück Bethmann Maffei Fonds Invest, the closed-funds division of ABN Amro's German private banking business, have been left fearing for their investment in a €208m  $286m fund called Global View.Delbrück Bethmann Maffei Fonds Invest(下称DBM Fonds Invest)是荷兰银行 ABN Amro德国私人银行业务的封闭式基金部门。

该部门约 1万名散户投资者担心,他们在一只名为Global View的2.08亿欧元(合2.86亿美元)基金中的投资是否能够收回。

DBM Fonds Invest created the fund in 2006 to help finance big wheel projects in Beijing, Berlin and Orlando, Florida but none has yet been completed.DBM Fonds Invest于2006年创建这只基金,为北京、柏林、美国佛罗里达奥兰多的大型摩天轮项目提供部分融资。


Hundreds of investors – each of whom parted with at least €10,000 to buy an equity share in the wheels' profits – are now seeking compensation, claiming that they were not properly advised of the risks by distributors of the fund, who include Deutsche Bank.数百名投资者如今已开始寻求赔偿。

他们声称,包括德意志银行 Deutsche Bank在内的基金销售机构没有向他们提供充分的风险建议。


Katja Fohrer, of Mattil & Partners in Munich, which represents about 100 Global View investors, questions whether advisers properly examined the plausibility of the Chinese wheel before pitching the investment to customers.位于慕尼黑的Mattil & Partners是大约100名Global View基金投资者的代表。

该公司的卡蒂亚•弗勒 Katja Fohrer针对投资顾问在将该产品推介给客户时,有没有对这只中国摩天轮进行可信性审查提出了质疑。

In a statement, Deutsche Bank said it had advised customers based on the information given in the prospectus. The associated chances and risks were detailed at length.德意志银行在一份声明中表示,它根据招股说明书中的信息向客户提供了建议,对相关的机会与风险进行了详尽地说明。

DBM Fonds Invest seized on a demand for experience investments: tangible high-yield financial products that have a story to tell and to sell.DBM Fonds Invest成立Global View基金时,希望搭上投资者对 经验型投资 experience investments需求大涨的顺风车。


The fund's creators hoped to capitalise on the success of the London Eye, which since 2000 has welcomed around 36m guests, becoming a familiar feature of the capital's skyline. The ease with which the London Eye charges adult visitors more than £17 for a 30-minute ride has spawned a host of imitators in cities around the world.该基金的创建者希望借用的就是伦敦眼的成功故事——自2000年以来,该摩天轮已经迎接了大约3600万名游客,成为伦敦一个广为人知的地标。


But four years later, local project companies in Beijing, Berlin and Orlando have spent around €180m in Global View investors' equity, without completing a single wheel. The fund is experiencing big difficulties, there's no doubt, said Christian Harreiner, managing director of DBM Fonds Invest. After months of negotiations Bavaria's HypoVereinsbank, which provided project financing for the Beijing wheel, finally lost patience. In January HVB terminated its loan and called in an administrator.但四年过后,尽管北京、柏林、奥兰多的项目公司已经花掉了约1.8亿欧元Global View基金的股本,但却连一个摩天轮都没有建成。

DBM Fonds Invest 董事总经理克里斯蒂安•哈雷娜 Christian Harreiner表示:毫无疑问,这只基金正在经历很大的困难。

在经历数月的谈判之后,为北京摩天轮提供项目融资的德国联合抵押银行 HypoVereinsbank终于失去了耐心。


In a letter obtained by the Financial Times, DBM Fonds Invest warned investors that in the worse case scenario they faced a complete writedown of their €80m investment in the Beijing holding company.在英国《金融时报》看到的一封信件中,DBM Fonds Invest警告投资者,可能出现的最糟的情况是,他们对北京项目控股公司的8000万欧元投资将面临全额减记。

This observation wheel was supposed to be the cream of the crop, rising more than 200m above Chaoyang Park and opening in time for the 2008 Olympic Games. But difficulties in gaining permits from Chinese authorities delayed the project, meaning only the concrete foundation has so far been built.北京的这座观景摩天轮原本希望成为轮中之冠。



In the absence of ticket receipts, there was no money to repay creditors or fund dividends. Meanwhile, when the financial crisis struck it became impossible for project companies in Orlando and Berlin to obtain financing.没有门票收入,就没有钱来偿付债权人或基金红利。


DBM Fonds Invest is still hopeful the Berlin wheel will move forward after cutting costs and appointing a new construction company in the coming weeks. It said that it continued to work on a remedy, protecting the investors' interests as much as possible.DBM Fonds Invest依然心怀希望,认为在缩减成本并在未来几周委任一家新的建筑公司后,柏林的摩天轮项目还能向前推进。


译者/何黎世界第一, 北京, 夭折